The FERPA consent to release form may be used to give required permission to a school official to directly release information from your student record to a non-WashU individual or organization.  This should be used when it is important that the individual or organization hear directly from WashU; students are encouraged to share information directly with their families, rather than rely on this type of release although this may be used for that purpose as well.  Submitting this form allows but does not require WashU to release information.

All fields and rows must be filled out completely.  Students must include details of which portion of their record can be released, for example: “my academic standing” or “my performance in XX major or Course in XX semester” (useful if you wish someone to give a recommendation to a potential employer).  Instructors do not typically engage directly with third parties; if you have questions about completing this form correctly please contact the Office of the University Registrar or an advisor with questions.

Students often ask for reference letters for job or graduate school applications. Faculty are free to share information that is designated as directory information or opinions and observations. If faculty want to include information that is not directory information, such as grades or GPA, the students written permission should be obtained prior to writing the reference letter. This authorization should be permanently maintained with the Office of the University Registrar.

This form may be submitted in-person at the Office of the University Registrar, or submitted with a digital signature from a WashU email account.