Providing Documents to the Registrar

Submitting Documentation for Record Changes for Current Students

Students requesting biographical or demographic changes to their student record can now submit the necessary documentation directly through Workday. The required documentation will vary depending on the type of change requested. Refer to the Required Documentation section below, which details acceptable documentation. This streamlined process ensures that requests are reviewed promptly and that updates to student records are accurately reflected.

Note: When sharing your required documents please include the name currently on your student record and your student ID.

Submitting Documentation for Record Changes for Former Students

Former Students whose names have changed since their enrollment and wish to update their records to ensure official transcripts match their current names may work with the Office of the University Registrar to learn how to submit a request and documentation. Other personal information is not generally updated in official student records after students leave the university.

The Office of the University Registrar recommends submitting documents using Box or OneDrive, both secure and FERPA-compliant platforms.

Contact the Office of the University Registrar for instructions to access one of these methods, or if those are not feasible, to identify an alternate secure method for sharing documents. All changes will be processed within two business days. Documents should not be submitted via email.

Note: When sharing your required documents please include the name currently on your student record and your student ID.

Former students wishing to update contact information or other details may wish to alert University Advancement.

Here are some helpful websites when submitting documents using Box or OneDrive.

Required Documentation


Documentation is required for a citizenship change in a student’s record. Please provide one of the following:

  • Permanent Resident card
  • I-797A form
  • Naturalization certificate
  • Visa
  • Passport
Date of Birth

Documentation is required for a Date of Birth change in a student’s record. Please provide one of the following:

  • Birth Certificate
  • Driver’s license
  • Passport
Legal Name

Documentation is required for a legal name change in a student’s record.  Please provide one of the following:

  • Social Security card

Attention Current Students: Once your name change has been completed, please visit Campus Card Services to obtain a new student ID card.


Documentation is required for a change of Sex in a student’s record. Please provide one of the following:

  • Birth Certificate
  • Court documentation
  • Driver’s license
  • Visa
  • Passport
Social Security Number

A change or correction to the Social Security number on a student’s record requires a copy of the student’s Social Security card.