The University stores certain identifying details about students in our systems of record. These details are gathered for various business purposes, such as providing campus services and required government reporting. FERPA, which governs how campus officials access and use student data, and Information Security policies, which define system security and usage, guide the University’s approach to managing this information. Students may need to update their information during their studies at WashU; see below for instructions.
In some cases, supporting documentation is required to make the change even if the initial information was self-reported. If the information is known to be incorrect, or has already been used in reporting, the University has to verify the correct information and be able to document why the information is now different.
Former students whose names have changed since their enrollment, and wish to update their records to ensure official transcripts match their current names, may contact the Office of the University Registrar to learn how to submit a request and documentation. Other personal information is not generally updated in official student records after students leave the university. Former students wishing to update contact information or other details may wish to alert University Advancement.
Students at the School of Medicine, or other programs offering experiences at external sites or fulfilling requirements such as professional licensure through external agencies, may encounter additional settings where official names of record must be used.
The primary identifiers at WashU are student ID number and WUSTL Key credentials; students are expected to know their identifiers since they are routinely used by the campus community to verify student identity when providing services. They are not “directory information” under FERPA.
Data Element | How it is used | How to Update |
Student ID Number | Student ID number is generated and associated with a single student’s record when that record is first created in the student system of record. The purpose of the ID number is to provide a unique internal value so other sensitive student information need not be used to identify individual students. | Not Applicable. |
WUSTL Key | The WUSTL Key serves as a personal authentication credential, comprised of a user-selected login ID and password. | Please visit the WashU IT website for instructions: |
Data Element | How it is used | How to Update |
Phone Number | Phone Number is available to key campus service providers to use in reaching students, as well as included in the Emergency Notification System. | Students may update phone numbers in Workday by visiting their Profile, and navigating to Personal then the Contact Information tab. |
Personal Email | This information is provided from the application for admission and is generally only used if a prospective or admitted student hasn’t yet been assigned a WashU email address; if a student voluntarily provides a personal email address to an extracurricular organization; or if a student is on a leave from the university and the WashU email address has been inactivated. | Students may update their Personal Email in Workday by visiting their Profile, and navigating to Personal then the Contact Information tab. |
WashU Email Address | All students are assigned a University email address after they’ve confirmed their intent to enroll. This address is the mechanism for official communications at the University. Students are expected to read communications in a timely fashion. | Please visit the WashU IT website for instructions: |
Home Address | This information is initially provided from the application for admission and may be used for certain business processes, including administering financial aid and in some compliance reporting. Students are expected to keep this information current. | Students may update their Home Address in Workday by visiting their Profile, and navigating to Personal then the Contact Information tab. |
Local Address | Students not living in University-owned housing are required to update the address that reflects their physical location while enrolled, and will be prompted periodically to verify their information is correct. | Students may update their Local Address in Workday by visiting their Profile, and navigating to Personal then the Contact Information tab. |
Emergency Contact | This information is used to contact someone on a student’s behalf in case of a health or safety emergency. It is not included in the Emergency Notification System and is available only to appropriate campus officials. | Students may add emergency contacts in Workday by visiting their Profile, and navigating to Personal then the Friends and Family tab to establish someone as an emergency contact. Students are only required to identify one person listed in Friends and Family as an emergency contact, but may identify more than one person as an emergency contact if they choose. |
In order to track and properly maintain your records across federal, state and higher education systems, we rely on the accuracy of your legal information.
Data Element | How it is used | How to Update |
Citizenship Status | Citizenship and immigration status are used for certain kinds of federal reporting. University officials primarily use this information in aggregate to make informed decisions related to student support and resources. They may also be used to ensure students with related eligibility requirements for enrollment or employment have appropriate advice and services. | Students may report a change to Citizenship Status in Workday by visiting their Profile and navigating to Personal, then the Personal Information tab. Appropriate documentation is required. Students whose citizenship status changes to Licensed Permanent Resident or U.S. Citizen should also contact the Office for International Students and Scholars to verify that office’s records are updated accordingly. |
Date of Birth | Date of birth is used to administer financial aid, process international student status, provide health-related services and verify eligibility for certain services where age is relevant. | Students may correct a mis-reported birthdate in Workday by visiting their Profile and navigating to Personal, then the Name tab. Appropriate documentation is required. |
Legal Name | Legal name, also referred to as primary name or name of record, is the name on government-issued documents and is required for certain business processes, including federal and state reporting, administering financial aid and processing international student statuses. Students are asked to report this name on their admissions application, which then forms the basis of the student record. This name appears on all official records and accounts, including but not limited to: transcripts, enrollment verifications, financial aid documents, paychecks, mailings or communications to entities outside of WashU. Students who have a single name on their government-issued documents are listed in student systems with the abbreviation SNP, for Single Name Person, in the First Name field and their legal name in the Surname field, unless their passport lists their name differently. In that case student systems will record their legal name in the First Name field and SNP in the Surname field. | Students may report a legal name change in Workday by visiting their Profile and navigating to Personal, then the Name tab. Appropriate documentation is required. |
Sex | Sex as identified on government-issued documents is required for certain business processes, including federal and state reporting, administering financial aid and processing international student statuses and providing health-related services. | Sex is listed as Gender in Workday; students may report an update to sex on government-issued documents or via a court order in Workday, by visiting their Profile and navigating to Personal, then the Personal Information tab. Appropriate documentation is required. |
Social Security Number (SSN) | A valid Social Security Number (SSN) or Taxpayer Identification Number (TIN) is required for certain business processes, including administering financial aid and issuing tuition statements for tax purposes. | Students may correct a previously reported SSN, or submit one after they enroll, in Workday by visiting their Profile and navigating to Personal, then the IDs tab. Appropriate documentation is required. |
WashU invites students to share additional information, that may align more appropriately with their identity than official information, to help the university promote an inclusive campus environment.
Data Element | How its Used | How to Update |
Ethnicity | In certain forms and applications, students are prompted to identify their race/ethnicity. This information is used for federal reporting purposes. University officials may also use this information in aggregate to make informed decisions related to student support and resources. | Students may update their ethnicity in Workday by visiting their Profile, and navigating to Personal and then the Personal Information tab. |
Friends and Family | For traditional undergraduate students, parent names and email addresses from the application for admission are sent to the student information system. These contacts may be used by campus leadership for broad announcements of campus news and events or emergencies. They may occasionally be used to communicate specific information about students to the people listed, for example, in an emergency when no emergency contact has been provided. | Students may update the names, relationship types (including Emergency Contacts) and email addresses, or additional contact methods, of friends or family members in Workday by visiting their Profile, and navigating to Personal then the Friends and Family tab. |
Gender Identity | Gender Identity is an optional data element available in Workday. It is not reviewed for individual students at all. It may be used in aggregate to understand how populations of students access programs and services. | Students may update their Gender Identity in Workday by visiting their Profile, and navigating to Personal and then the Personal Information tab. |
Marital Status | Marital Status is a data element available in Workday. It is required for student workers but is not required nor used for students. | Student workers may update their Marital Status in Workday by visiting their Profile and navigating to Personal and then the Personal Information Tab. |
Military Service | Military Service is an optional data element in Workday that may be used to in aggregate to help complete certain external reporting, and enhance awareness of our military-connected population to provide appropriate support. | Students may update their Military Service information in Workday by visiting their Profile and navigating to Personal and then the Personal Information Tab. |
Name Pronunciation | WashU offers the NameCoach tool that allows community members to record the pronunciation of their name and share it in email signature or via social media. | |
Photo ID | Photo ID is used by various campus systems and appears on the WashU ID card and class and advisor rosters. | New students can submit a photo and a government ID for their WashU ID Card through CloudCard. and will be transmitted to other campus systems. Contact Campus Card Services to learn more. |
Preferred Name | Students may prefer to use a name other than their legal name to identify themselves, and can submit a “preferred” first name. When submitted, they are the default way of addressing students in the WashU campus community except in situations where legal names are required. As such, the preferred name is visible in most campus systems and processes including class rosters, campus ID cards, the university directory, Canvas and Microsoft suite of tools (including the Global Address List). The university reserves the right to remove any preferred name for misuse, including but not limited to misrepresentation, attempting to avoid legal obligation, or the use of offensive or derogatory names. | Students may update their preferred name in Workday by visiting their Profile, and navigating to Personal and then the Name tab. Students may add a first, middle and last name. |
Sexual Orientation | Sexual orientation is an optional data element available in Workday. It is not reviewed for individual students at all. It may be used in aggregate to understand how populations of students access programs and services. | Students may update their sexual orientation in Workday by visiting their Profile, and navigating to Personal and then the Personal Information tab. |