Student holds prevent processes from being completed in Workday, such as registering for classes or receiving financial aid.  

Students with holds on their registration will not have access to add courses, and depending on the type of hold may also be prevented from dropping or withdrawing from courses, until the initiating office/s have released the hold/s. Students are expect to periodically check their Workday Profile, and certainly prior to registration, to verify there is nothing awaiting their attention.

Holds in Workday

Students may look either at their Profile or use the Academic Hub. Go to the View Holds in Workday Student tutorial to learn more.

Advisors have a few reports or paths, depending on whether they are working with an individual student or looking at a report of all advisees. View a tutorial here.

Registration Hold Types
A&S Registrar’s Office

Reason for Hold: The Arts & Sciences Registrar’s Office (commonly called the College Office) identified an issue on your student record and placed a registration hold on your record which may prevent you from registering.

Resolution Instructions: Contact the A&S Registrar’s Office (College Office) for help at or 314-935-5959. You may also be able to view this hold in Workday through the Academic Hub and on your student profile.

Academic Advisor Hold

Reason for Hold: You and your academic advisor must meet before you can register for the next academic period.

Resolution Instructions: Meet with your academic advisor before registering for the next academic period. You can see who your advisors are and how to contact them in your Academics Hub. Or, search for and select the View My Support Network report in Workday.

Academic Integrity Policy and Student Conduct Code Course Incomplete

Reason for Hold: You must pass the Academic Integrity Policy and Student Conduct Code course with a score of 100%.

Resolution Instructions: Log in to MyCanvas and complete the Academic Integrity Policy and Student Conduct Code course. After completing it with a score of 100%, the hold will be removed.

Academic Plan Incomplete

Reason for Hold: Your academic plan needs to be approved.

Resolution Instructions: Contact your academic advisor to create and submit your academic plan for approval.

Active Student with No Enrollments

Reason for Hold: We noticed you haven’t registered recently and didn’t notify WashU about your leave of absence.

Resolution Instructions: You can request a leave of absence via your Academics Hub and request a Student Time Away or contact the Office of the University Registrar at or (314)935-5959.

Admissions Materials Missing

Reason for Hold: A final transcript or other admissions-related documentation is needed to complete your applicant record.

Resolution Instructions: You can contact your school admissions office.

Brown Registrar’s Office

Reason for Hold: There is an outstanding issue with your student records.

Resolution Instructions: Contact the Brown School’s registrar office at or (314)935-0149.

Collection PEP Loan Hold

Reason for Hold: Your Partners in Education with Parents (PEP) plan requires immediate attention.

Resolution Instructions: To resolve, contact Washington University Collection Services at 800-488-3738 or

Collection Services – Long Term Payment Agreement

Reason for Hold: There are unpaid charges on your account that are now in default.

Resolution Instructions: To resolve, contact Washington University Collection Services at 800-488-3738 or

Collection Services – Delinquent Student Balance Hold

Reason for Hold: There are unpaid charges on your account that are now in default.

Resolution Instructions: To resolve, contact Washington University Collection Services at 800-488-3738 or

Collection Services – Loan Hold

Reason for Hold: Your Washington University loan is now in default.

Resolution Instructions: To resolve, contact Washington University Collection Services at 800-488-3738 or

Compliance Hold

Reason for Hold: This hold has been placed due to a compliance requirement with university policies that will be communicated to you via your university email address. Questions should be directed to the Office of the University Registrar.

Resolution Instructions: Call or email the Office of the University Registrar at 314-935-5959 or

Emergency Contact Information Out of Date or Not Provided

Reason for Hold: The university must have a contact in case of an emergency. Your emergency contact does not need to be in St. Louis or even the United States.

Resolution Instructions: Add an emergency contact from the Profile icon on the homepage >> Click View Profile>>Select Personal>> Navigate to the Friends and Family tab and click Add. For relationship types, select Emergency Contact.

Faculty Advisor Hold

Reason for Hold: Before registering for classes, you must meet with your faculty advisor.

Resolution Instructions: Meet with your primary program of study faculty advisor before registering.

Habif Training Hold – Alcohol Education

Reason for Hold: You’ll need to complete an online Year One College Behavior Profile to resolve this hold.

Resolution Instructions: Complete the online Year One College Behavior Profile. Contact with any questions.

Hold for Returned Payment/s

Reason for Hold: Unfortunately, your payment didn’t go through. Some possible reasons might be insufficient funds or wrong account information.

Resolution Instructions: Before making your next payment, verify your Payment Elections in Workday by double-checking your account and routing numbers.
If you’ve paid via check or you have any questions about this hold, contact Student Accounting at

Note: For wire payments, don’t use the routing number.

Immunization Requirements Non-Compliance

Reason for Hold: Your vaccine records haven’t been recorded. Submit your immunization records to Student Health Services.

Resolution Instructions: Submit your immunization and health records on Student Health Services’ portal to complete this requirement.

Influenza Vaccine Non-Compliance

Reason for Hold: Your influenza vaccine record hasn’t been recorded. Submit your immunization records to Student Health Services.

Resolution Instructions: Submit your immunization and health records on Student Health Services’ portal to complete this requirement.

International Student Arrival Check-in Required

Reason for Hold: After arriving in St. Louis, new international students are required to check in with the Office for International Students & Scholars (OISS).

Resolution Instructions: Complete OISS’s check-in form and documentation. If you have any questions, contact OISS at

Law School’s Registrar’s Office

Reason for Hold: There is a hold on your student record.

Resolution Instructions: Contact the Law School Registrar’s office by phone at 314-935-4610 or by email at

Legacy Past Due Balance Hold

Reason for Hold: You have a past due balance on your account.

Resolution Instructions: To resolve, pay the full past-due balance in WebSTAC. You’ll continue to make payments for Summer 2025 and prior in WebSTAC.
After you make your payment, Student Accounting will manually remove your hold. Workday won’t automatically remove this hold. If you have any questions, contact Student Accounting at

Major Declaration Incomplete

Reason for Hold: If you haven’t declared your program of study (commonly known as a major) by a set date, the school registrar will place a hold your student account.

Resolution Instructions: Contact your academic advisor to discuss declaring your program of study (commonly known as a major).

McKelvey Registrar’s Office

Reason for Hold: There is a hold on your student record.

Resolution Instructions: Contact the McKelvey School of Engineering Registrar’s office by phone at 314-935-6100 or by email at

Missing Local Address

Reason for Hold: There is a hold on your account until you can provide your home address. All currently enrolled students not residing in WashU residence halls must provide a home address with a usage type of Student Local indicating where they will reside during the semester, and a telephone number where they can be reached. If you are studying abroad or participating in a program based in a location other than St. Louis, provide the address where you will be living in that location.

Resolution Instructions: Review or enter the address from the Profile icon on the homepage>>Click View Profile>> Select Personal>> Navigate to the Contacts tab and click Edit. Make sure to select “Student Local Address” as the usage type. After entering your information click Submit.

Office of Student Conduct and Community Standards

Reason for Hold: There is an outstanding issue with the Office of Student Conduct and Community Standards that must be resolved as soon as possible.

Resolution Instructions: You can contact the Office of Student Conduct and Community Standards by phone at 314-935-7296 or via email at

Office of the University Registrar

Reason for Hold: There is a hold on your student record.

Resolution Instructions: You can contact the Office of University Registrar (OUR) at 314-935-5959 or by email at

Olin Registrar’s Office

Reason for Hold: There is a hold on your student record.

Resolution Instructions: You’ll need to contact your school registrar at You can find the full contact info for all the School Registrar offices on the Office of the University Registrar website.

Onboarding Hold

Reason for Hold: Before registering for classes, you’ll need to complete onboarding tasks in Workday as a new or continuing WashU student.

Resolution Instructions: For new students, you’ll receive instructions to complete school-specific onboarding tasks once you are given WashU Key access. To complete onboarding in Workday, click the My Tasks inbox >> Click each item under the Actions tab and complete the forms.

Onboarding Task for the Office of Student Conduct and Community Standards Not Complete

Reason for Hold: You are missing one or more onboarding tasks from the Office of Student Conduct and Community Standards, which may need to be completed outside of Workday.

Resolution Instructions: You’ll need to complete onboarding tasks in Workday as a new or continuing WashU student, including requirements from the Office of Student Conduct and Community Standards, which may be completed outside of Workday.

Quadrangle Housing Balance Hold

Reason for Hold: You have a past-due balance on your account due to unpaid off-campus rent.

Resolution Instructions: To resolve, pay the past-due balance in full. If you have any questions, call Quadrangle Housing at 314-935-9511 or email

Sam Fox Registrar’s Office

Reason for Hold: There is a hold on your student record.

Resolution Instructions: Contact the College of Art and the Graduate School of Art in the Sam Fox School of Design & Visual Arts Registrar office at 314-935-4761 or by email at

School of Continuing and Professional Studies Registrar’s Office

Reason for Hold: There is a hold on your student record.

Resolution Instructions: Contact the School of Professional & Continuing Studies Registrar’s office at 314-935-6700 or by email at

School of Medicine Registrar’s Office

Reason for Hold: There is a hold on your student record.

Resolution Instructions: Contact the Office of the Registrar at the School of Medicine at 314-362-6848 or by email at

Student Accounting Hold

Reason for Hold: You have a general student accounting hold on your account.

Resolution Instructions: To resolve, contact Student Accounting at

Student Dismissal

Reason for Hold: There is a hold on your student record related to University Dismissal.

Resolution Instructions: View the hold and resolution instructions from your Academics Hub>> In the My Holds card, click View Holds to see the Resolution Instructions. You can also contact your school registrar’s office.

TB Screen-Risk/Health History Form Non-Compliance

Reason for Hold: Your TB screen-risk and/or health history forms haven’t been recorded. Submit your health records to Student Health Services.

Resolution Instructions: Submit your immunization and health records on Student Health Services’ portal to complete this requirement.

Title IX Training Hold 1 – “Stand By Me” Module Incomplete

Reason for Hold: You must complete Title IX Stand By Me training to remove this hold.

Resolution Instructions: Log in to MyCanvas and complete Title IX’s Stand By Me online module. You can also contact the Gender Equity and Title IX Compliance office at

Title IX Training Hold 2 – Did Not Attend “The Date”

Reason for Hold: There is a Title IX Compliance hold on your student record.

Resolution Instructions: Contact the Gender Equity and Title IX Compliance office at with any questions.

Title IX Training Hold 3 – Did Not Attend “Beyond Sex Ed”

Reason for Hold: There is a Title IX Compliance hold on your student record.

Resolution Instructions: View the hold and resolution instructions from your Academics Hub>> In the My Holds card, click View Holds to see the Resolution Instructions. You can also contact the Gender Equity and Title IX Compliance office at

Title IX Training Hold 4 – “Sexual Assault Prevention” Module Incomplete

Reason for Hold: There is a Title IX Compliance hold on your student record.

Resolution Instructions: Log in and complete the Sexual Assault Prevention online module and email the Gender Equity and Title IX Compliance at After completing it, View the hold and resolution instructions from your Academics Hub>> In the My Holds card, click View Holds to see the Resolution Instructions.